New defibrillator installed at Gladysdale Primary School

Gladysdale Primary School has welcomed the newly-installed defibrillator. Picture: SUPPLIED

Another new community-accessible defibrillator has been installed in the Upper Yarra thanks to the Bendigo Community Banks of Warburton and Yarra Junction as part of their commitment to provide up to five annually.

Gladysdale Primary School applied under the Inaugural Community Defib program, on behalf of the Gladysdale Community and was successful. The new defib is within the school grounds and available 24/7.

“Gladysdale Primary School would like to say a huge thnk you to Bendigo Bank Warburton and Yarra Junction for providing us with a defibrillator.  Knowing a defibrillator is on-site gives all the staff and parents peace of mind that it is available in the case of an emergency.  It is on the outside of the building benefitting the whole Gladysdale Community,” Grade 5/6 Teacher Edwina Whiteside said.

“All Gladysdale staff, including teachers, office staff and Educational Support are now fully trained in First Aid and the use of a defibrillator.”

The bank’s annual Community Accessible Defib program opens for applications in July each year, with local groups and businesses alike encouraged to apply.

“We know defibrillators are key to surviving a cardiac arrest and these defibs help keep people safe and save lives,” Branch Manager of the Bendigo Bank Community Banks Warburton and Yarra Junction Kristy Sumner said.

“It’s just another way we are having a big impact every day and supporting our community.​​​​​​“

Anyone interested in defibrillator for their group or business when applications open can contact Bendigo Bank Warburton or Yarra Junction for more details or email