A mother wombat was hit by a car near 54 Lusatia Park Road in Woori Yallock either late on the night of Thursday 16 November or in the early hours of the following morning.
Waratah Wildlife Shelter took her in and noticed that she was lactating and they were unable to locate her joey.
The mother wombat was euthanised on-site due to the extent of her injuries.
It is possible that she left her joey in the burrow while she went out to forage however judging by the size of her teat and pouch, the joey may have been in her pouch and been thrown out when she was hit.
If you happen to have picked up a young wombat along there please reach out or take it to your nearest vet clinic, the joey may be injured and as with all wildlife will require specialised care.
If the young joey was left in the burrow, it’s going to get hungry in the coming days and will eventually venture out so if you live in that area or drive along Lustatia Park Road regularly please keep an eye out, drive carefully and don’t hesitate to call Raewyn Jeganathan from the Waratah Wildlife Shelter at 0400 882 704 or Wildlife Victoria (8400 7300) if you spot it as soon as possible.