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TAFE’s back on course

By JESSE GRAHAM TAFE will be returning to Lilydale next year, with Box Hill Institute announcing a new campus for the town earlier today. Box Hill...

Car’s mad about pizza bogans

By JODIE SYMONDS A REPLICA Mad Max car made a tasty debut on a new bogan film in the Yarra Valley. Those who have seen the...

Glass full of pride

By JESSE GRAHAM SEVILLE Estate dominated the competition in the Yarra Valley Wine Show earlier this month, taking out four trophies and almost scraping an...

Walk down history lane

By JESSE GRAHAM THE history of Healesville will be on permanent display later this year, with Rotary working with community groups to establish a heritage...

Call for calm on cyclists

By JESSE GRAHAM POLICE have urged drivers to be respectful of cyclists after frustrated drivers shouted at a rider along the Warburton Highway last month. James...

Ripples down the years

By KATH GANNAWAY THE faded photos that Graham Hetherton carries in his wallet are testament to the impact a road crash can have, even three...

Standpipe stand

By JESSE GRAHAM A YARRA Glen man has demanded the council return a decommissioned water standpipe for public use, and has rallied hundreds of community...

Strings draw harpist back

By JODIE SYMONDS A FORMER Healesville composer and world renowned harpist is to return to the Memo. Michael Johnson, one of Australia’s most acclaimed harpists, will...

Teen’s prized story

By JESSE GRAHAM AN EAGER Badger Creek teenager has been recognised for his work and named alongside dozens of other inspiring Victorians in a new...

Angela’s cakes a cut above

By JESSE GRAHAM A FORMER Healesville resident with over four decades of accolades under her belt has out-baked the competition for another year at the...

State boost for mental health

By KATH GANNAWAY FUNDING which will see the continuation of a partnership between Eastern Health and police dealing with acute mental health responses in Yarra...

Reflections on the landscape

By GEORGIA WESTGARTH AS PART of the Healesville 150 celebrations, Healesville Environment Watch Inc (HEWI) will hold a special performance. The performance, to be held...


Festival of books in Clunes

A book town, according to the International Organisation of Book Towns, is “a small rural town or village in which secondhand and antiquarian bookshops...

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