MRAG’s ‘Dinner on the Green’ event a hit

MRAG's event was attended by over 80 people. (Supplied)

By Oliver Winn

The Millgrove community got together for a night of food, socialising and fundraising at the Millgrove Residents Action Group’s (MRAG) Dinner on the Green on Friday 7 March.

The event used funds provided by the Yarra Ranges Council to donate to the volunteer-run Koha Community Cafe, who also catered for the event with delicious three-course meals.

MRAG president Maureen Halit said over 80 people attended and that they “couldn’t have picked a better night” for the event.

“It ran very smoothly, and like any event, there’s a lot of work we did prior to it, but overall on the night it was very, very rewarding,” Ms Halit said.

“It was just amazing how I watched people over the night get up and change tables and chatted, and when they were lining up for their food was another great time where they socialised and connected.”

Koha Community Cafe president Suyin Chan said some of the funding went towards employing two chefs for the night to provide three vegetarian meal options plus two dessert options.

“The funding, which we were very grateful for from MRAG, went to cover the costs of paying two people to prepare that, and then the rest of us who helped on the night were volunteers to make sure that everything went well,” she said.

Koha Community Cafe provides weekly meals and produce to those who are in need, regardless of whether they donate or not.

The leftover money from the event will go towards the cafe’s operating expenses.

“We run on the smell of an oily rag, always have, because we’re a charity and we don’t charge for meals”, Ms Chan said.

Liberal member for Casey Aaron Violi said it was “a magnificent night in Millgrove at their Dinner on the Green”.

This year also marks MRAG’s 20th anniversary.

Three students from Millwarra Primary School provided “amazing help” in preparing for the event, Ms Halit said.

“The school was very supportive and helpful with that.”