Yarra Ranges Council’s advice on preparing for a heatwave

How to beat the heat. (File)

With consistent hot weather hitting the Yarra Ranges this summer and more still to come, Yarra Ranges Council has the following advice for local residents in preparing for a heatwave.

Extreme heat and heatwaves can affect health by worsening medical conditions or causing potentially fatal health problems, like heatstroke.

Extreme heat and heatwaves also affect Victoria’s natural, built and economic environments, often through the compromised operation of critical infrastructure, facilities and services.

As such, good preparation and changes to organisational processes may be required to reduce the risk to public health during extreme heat and heatwaves.

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the impact of heat:

To protect your health in the heat, plan activities for the coolest part of the day or plan them for another day.

Plan to do activities in known cool places.

Check in on others regularly. Look after those most at risk in the heat – your neighbour living alone, older people, those with a disability, the young, people with a medical condition, pregnant and nursing mothers and don’t forget your pets.

Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty (check with your doctor if you normally have restricted fluids).

Keep yourself cool by using wet towels, putting your feet in cool water and taking cool showers. You don’t need to cool your whole home during high heat. Close windows and doors and only use the coolest rooms in the property with a fan or air conditioner on low speed.

Make sure your pets have clean, cool water and shade. If the ground is too hot to rest the back of your hand against, it is too hot for your pet’s paws.

After a heatwave the body can take at least three days to recover so continue drinking plenty of water, keep cool and get back to your normal routine.

Visit local shopping centres, swimming pools, libraries or local cinemas to stay cool.

Are you prepared for a heatwave?

Heat-related illnesses

High heat can affect anybody. Heat-related illnesses can range from mild conditions to life-threatening heatstroke.

Heatstroke is fatal in up to 80 per cent of cases.

There is more information about heatwaves and health on the State Government’s Better Health website.

Visit yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Environment/Emergencies/Preparing-for-an-emergency/Types-of-emergencies-quick-links/Preparing-for-a-Heatwave for more information on different heat-related symptoms and illnesses.