A reminder to put water out for wildlife during the extreme heat wave Victoria is currently experiencing.
Humans can retreat to the air con but spare a thought for our native animals trying to keep cool.
The echidnas at Healesville Sanctuary are on point, splashing and slurping up water in shallow pools during the hot weather.
The spikey anteaters use their long, rubbery beaks and 18-centimetre-long tongues for sipping chilled H2O with a built-in drinking straw for a mouth.
Healesville Sanctuary mammal keeper Craig McQueen said when the echidnas are not flat-out drinking, they blow bubbles to keep cool.
“Most people aren’t aware, but they are also really great swimmers, and they use their beaks as a little snorkel,” Mr McQueen said.
“Echidnas are always curious, so whenever we introduce something new to their habitat even if it’s just water, it always spikes their interest.”
Nine Short-beaked echidnas live at Healesville Sanctuary.
They can be found on Main Track at the front entrance and along the Koala Forest/Kangaroo Country Track.
Echidnas live right across Australia.
They have no teeth, and their back feet face backwards.
Short-beaked echidnas are one of only five species of monotreme (egg-laying mammals).
Platypuses are also monotremes.
The community can help wildlife that visits their backyards and balconies during the warmer months by providing safe access to water.
Simply place a shallow plastic or ceramic (non-metal) dish of water in a shady spot close to shrubs or trees, away from pets and roads.
Create a safe place to drink by putting a rock or stick in the water for animals to climb out if they fall in.
Keep the water clean by changing it every day and more regularly on really hot days.
Healesville Sanctuary is open 365 days a year including all public holidays.
Kids under 16 visit free on weekends, Victorian Public holidays and Victorian Government school holidays.
For more information and to pre-book tickets visit zoo.org.au/healesville