Over the next 12 weeks, Voices for Casey will be conducting a series of ‘Pulse Surveys’ to ‘check the local heartbeat’ and encourage local people to raise their voices.
Five two-minute polls will invite locals to name what impacts them most – now in 2025 – and to offer one piece of advice to the government about what would help.
Cost of Living, Integrity in Politics, Climate Change, Housing, Health and Aged Care have emerged as the local top priorities in Voices for Casey’s 2024 Community Survey. As a result, each of these issues will be the focus of one pulse survey. In September 2024, the Voices for Casey Listening Campaign drew over 1000 local responses and people now have a chance to push this home by naming the actions they want to see. Research Designer John Robinson said they hope to increase community participation in our democracy and to make Casey voices heard.
“We believe it is possible to harness our collective voices into a positive force to ensure genuine representation of our values, to ensure a better future for our families, our environment and our communities,” he said.
Starting on Monday 3 February, the first pulse survey will dig down and get practical on Cost of Living. In last year’s survey and group conversations, people explained they are stretched due to cost-of-living pressures, life is a struggle with escalating grocery bills, electricity, gas, insurance, and health care prices. The survey results tell us people in Casey are ‘going hard’ to make things work. The second pulse survey will examine the issue of political integrity.
The five pulse surveys will dig deeper into each finding and encourage people to give voice to their experience and suggest ways forward. Each survey will be open for only two weeks. They will be launched fortnightly with a fortnightly blog to share the findings. People can complete a pulse survey here, with an option to sign up to follow the findings: www.voices4casey.com.au/
Voices for Casey’s independent candidate Claire Ferres Miles will also be hosting a public forum to hear from service delivery providers and community organisations in the electorate of Casey on the priority theme ‘Cost of Living – Food and Housing.’ The event will be held at Japara Neighbourhood House, Kilsyth on Sunday 23 March from 2pm to 4pm.
For more information visit claireferresmiles.com/events.