By Callum Ludwig
Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Wandin recently came together to celebrate a significant milestone for the group with a luncheon at Rose’s Cottage in Monbulk.
This year marks 30 years since the club’s inception, while it also marks 100 years since the first Inner Wheel club was established in Manchester, England in 1924.
Club Historian and former Charter Vice President of Wandin Inner Wheel Maree Budweg said it was very exciting for members to celebrate the special milestone.
“We had time to reflect on friendships over many years, achievements accomplished and contributions made to those less fortunate and six Charter members were able to attend the birthday luncheon,” she said.
“By working together, we support others in their time of need and in doing so, we as a group or individuals are often supported when we need assistance.”
Six Charter members of the group were recognised for their service; Wendy Moody, Mary Jeffs, Terina Houlihan, President Val Corbett, Maree Budweg and Denise Reed while Faith MacDonald was also recognised for her 43 years of service to Inner Wheel, having started out at the Box Hill Club before moving to Lilydale and finally to the Wandin Club.
Ms Budweg said there are many needs in our society and the help the Inner Wheel Club can provide will always have a positive impact in the community.
“Our fabulous fun-filled evenings held at the Wandin Hall supported by Jenny’s Shoppe in Monbulk enabled us to stage fashion parades over 15 years, funds raised from this and other projects helped us to support local kindergartens, schools with music and cooking equipment, aerobic uniforms so students could travel interstate and compete,” she said.
“Shoe boxes filled with personal and fun treasures have been sent to children overseas who have nothing, trauma teddies created and distributed to children in need and our biggest and most important project supported by Inner Wheel Clubs Australia-wide since 2000 is Cord Blood Research.
“Our club has donated over $100,000 to this project so far and overall, some $3 million dollars has been raised and funds are distributed by awarding Research Grants to medical scientists here in Melbourne and interstate, using the stemcells contained in just 30ml of Cord Blood collected from donated placentas can save a child’s life, it’s the ultimate miracle of recycling.”
On the third Wednesday in November, attendees can find the Inner Wheel Club of Wandin at the Wandin Rotary Car and Bike Show held at the Wandin East Recreation Reserve and they will warmly invite everyone to come say hello and perhaps purchase a cool drink.