Warburton Golf Weekly Update

Some good scores despite a day of poor conditions. (Will Porada)

Ron Hottes

Wed Sept 4:

Top scorers: David-Hatt (Nett 67), Andy-Lockey (Nett 66).

NTPs: Ross-Machar, (both the third and the fifth), Glenn-Forbes, (nineth), Noel Hyndman, (12th) and to Hatty, (15th, making for a very successful day for him!!).

Stroke and M.McGrann Bag-day qualifier— under better conditions than in recent days, the field had other hurdles to cope with other than the quirky weather!

Fallen trees/branches, debris, etc. was still in evidence, although Greenstaff and Garden-Club had cleaned up a fair proportion of it!

Avoiding all of those obstacles, and then posting a more-than-competitive result was young Andy-Lockey, with a Nett 66 result. Good work, young fellow, and you are now qualified for the bag-day playoff in December!

The R/up on this day, also with a very good result was David-Hatt, recording a Nett 67. Good shooting, Hatty!

The balls only got down to 69, a fair indication there were numerous Nett 68’s and 69’s posted!

Sat Sept 7: Stroke and Monthly-Medal

Top Scorers: Sam-Dennis (Nett 66), Geoff Sharp (Nett 68).

NTP winners: Geoff-Sharp, (both third and nineth, making for a most profitable day for Geoff!) Also to Sam-Dennis, (12th), David-Hatt, (15th) and to Shane-Campbell—-for a fine second-shot on the first!!

A most pleasant day, weatherwise, greeted the largish field, thus suggesting a spate of impressive scores! And easily the most impressive result came from newish member, Robert-Mills.

Rob returned a fine Nett 64, to earn his first Monthly-Medal, and of course the day’s top voucher! Sam-Dennis also posted a score that he can be proud of—a Nett 66, earning him the R/up prize on the day.

The third-placed prize went to Geoff-Sharp with a respectable Nett 68.

With these excellent scores posted, it was no surprise that the ball rundown only reached 71!

No V.V.V’s this week due to extremely inclement weather conditions!