Three… ways to celebrate R U OK Day

R U OK? Day is taking place on Thursday 12 September. (Unsplash).

R U OK? is a national suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion encouraging people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times. With R U OK? Day taking place on Thursday 12 September, here are three ways to celebrate the day and start a conversation around mental health with a loved one, colleague or community member.

1. Ask R U OK?

The first step is to connect to people. Despite the popularity of social media and the ease of access to people, modern society can be more isolating than ever before. Reach out to someone you care about and genuinely ask how they’re doing. Be prepared to listen without judgement and offer support.

2. Educate yourself

Learn more about the signs of someone struggling and how you can have a meaningful conversation to support them. Sometimes someone might say they are doing fine when they are struggling. One of the main keys in connecting is finding a place of common ground or a way to relate their struggles to your own.

3. Spread the word

Encourage your community, workplace or school to get involved in R U OK? Day activities, even if it is not on R U OK? Day itself. Host an event, wear yellow, or share R U OK? messages on social media to destigmatise mental health discussions. Visit for more information.