New VCE model allows Victorian students to pursue a wider range of subjects than ever before.

Jewel at her VET Building & Construction Course (Supplied)

By Ava Cashmore

Launched in 2023, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) has replaced the previous choice between VCE and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).

Now, all Year 11 and 12 students may study VCE and have the option to incorporate a vocational pathway via the Vocational Major, rather than choosing one or the other.

Year 11 Mater Christi College student, Jewel, has made the most of these changes, choosing to study VCE Legal Studies, VCE Foundation Maths, VCE Drama, VET Small Business, VET Building and Construction, Vocational Major Literacy and Personal Development.

“I think the most important thing when choosing a subject is to go for something you feel

passionate about and love doing” said Jewel.

“The vocational major has also helped me to live a flexible life… I can do all my homework

and still have time for the things I love doing, like playing my guitar, hanging out with friends

on the weekends and still having time to work a casual job.”

The proportion of Year 12 non-completers in education or training after school increased to 52.7% in 2023, up from 47.3% in 2022.

This increase of students who did not complete Year 12, that are now engaging in further education or training, reflects the broader aim of the new VCE model, to provide diverse pathways for all students.