Yarra Valley ECOSS to feature on Gardening Australia

ECOSS volunteers and the Gardening Australia crew. (Gardening Australia)

By Callum Ludwig

Yarra Valley ECOSS recently welcomed an exciting visitor, with volunteers and supporters flocking to Wesburn to come to say hello.

Gardening Australia and Costa Georgiadis visited on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 July to find out more about the different programs and sustainability projects being carried out at ECOSS.

Executive Officer of Yarra Valley ECOSS Chelsea McNab said it was so exciting and brought a lot of joy to everyone at the site.

“All our volunteers showed up, we made a mock market and everyone showed up for that and Costa was incredibly kind, patient and generous with his time with everybody that he interacted with,” she said.

“They contacted us last year and wanted to come out but we thought it was mid-winter and so we wished that they would come at a time of year when the garden’s more floral but that didn’t happen so when they contacted us again this year I figured we’ve got to do this and it coincided with the time that Costa was down which was exciting.”

Gardening Australia particularly took an interest in filming Yarra Valley ECOSS’ All-abilities CRops for Community program, the nursery, the Silvertine Biodynamic Farm and ECOSS’ relationship with Four Pillars Gin and composting their botanicals.

Ms McNab said Yarra Valley ECOSS will be on air on ABC’s Gardening Australia’s program on Friday 20 September.

“They spent two full days here from 8am to 6pm, the first day was filming about ECOSS and the second day was using us as a site for doing their links, they usually use the botanical gardens in city but they used us this time,” she said.

“I feel like it helps put us on the map and when you get such positive feedback from people that go to lots of places like Costa, it helps us to really value ourselves and our volunteers’ work and everything that we’ve created here to make it when someone is seeing it through fresh eyes,”

“Costa was pretty excited, he’ll be back here again definitely and I feel like we’ve formed new relationships there that are valuable.”

Gardening Australia is on 7.30pm on Fridays on the ABC channel with repeats at 1.30pm on Sundays, while full episodes can also be watched on ABC Iview.