Snow comes and goes at Mt Donna Buang

Snow atop Mt Donna Buang. (Mountain Tucker)

By Callum Ludwig

Only the second significant snowfall of the year fell on Mt Donna Buang on Monday 15 July.

It followed the first reasonable fall that came on Sunday 30 June.

Ben from the Mountain Tucker food van said 2024 has been an atypical year for snowfall.

“It has been unusually difficult to predict when and how much snow will fall, although we use weather and snow forecast apps, the information they provide regularly changes daily and sometimes even hourly which is keeping us busy deciphering what is supposed to be coming and what will come,” he said.

“It is hard to imagine we’re in the middle of winter and only had two reasonable snow falls, nevertheless, Mountain Tucker will continue to provide our updates on Mt Donna Buang.”

About 1cm of snow had fallen on the mountain on Sunday 14 July, before a flurry overnight and further centimetres fell during Monday.

Unfortunately, the rain over the last couple of days deteriorated the snow quality considerably, with a hard and icy cover covering snow on the summit and other parts slushy and wet.

VicRoads also closed vehicle access up from the 10 Mile carpark on Monday due to the falling snow and heavy traffic the day prior.