Rotary Club of Upper Yarra celebrate YJMC’s Alison Dajlan

Alison Dajlan (front right) receives her Vocational Service Award from Rotary representatives. Picture: SUPPLIED

By Callum Ludwig

A stalwart of community health in the Upper Yarra has been recognised for commitment to her role.

Having worked at the Yarra Junction Medical Centre since 1989, Practice Manager Alison Dajlan has seen it all and the Rotary Club of Upper Yarra has commended her with a Vocational Service Award at their 17 June meeting.

Ms Dajlan said this receiving this recognition from the Rotary Club of Upper Yarra was a complete surprise.

“I feel so honoured and humbled being acknowledged by them, especially knowing the sort of work the club itself does and how they help the community,” she said.

“I am privileged to be supported by a great team at the Medical Centre, the doctors, nurses, admin staff and cleaners all play an important part and work well as a team,”

“We all strive to improve the services we have in the Upper Yarra, having Rural Cardiology visit each month is one of our latest achievements, patients can now choose to see a cardiologist close to home, they also provide stress echocardiograms here at the clinic.”

The Rotary Club of Upper Yarra congratulated Ms Dajlan on her nomination for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Rural Practice Management,’ at the Victorian Rural Health Awards and lauded her advocacy in recent years for the Yarra Junction Medical Centre to be reclassified under the Modified Monash Model to improve its ability to access staff.

Ms Dajlan said when putting in my application for reclassification of the centre she contacted the Rotary Club to ask if they would support her application.

“The club was wonderful and provided a letter supporting my application and also wrote to the relevant ministers as well,” she said.

The Rotary Club of Upper Yarra’s Vocational Service Award aimed to recognise Ms Dajlan for ‘exemplified outstanding professional achievement while maintaining high ethical standards’ and was awarded by Rotary Assistant District Governor Shia Smart and Service Director Spiros Karambalis in front of the club.

Ms Dajlan said she is proud to be leading such a team at the Yarra Junction Medical Centre.

“Practice Nurse Kate is an experienced ED nurse and has brought her knowledge to the clinic and has been improving our equipment and procedures to help with emergencies walking in our doors,” she said.

“Practice Nurse Kim has recently been awarded a scholarship for further training in sexual health so that she may then be able to help more patients in the community and Practice Nurse Chanduni has run our vaccinations clinics during the Covid waves,”

“The admin staff of Lana, Terri and Nicole always have a welcoming smile and offer a friendly ear to patients who may be unwell or lonely and we are only able to achieve all this with the support of the clinic owners who are very supportive and encouraging.”