Rug up for the solstice

A chilly weekend for overnight temperatures awaits. Picture: UNSPLASH

As the year’s shortest day rolls on it’s only 8 or 9 degrees across the Dandenong Ranges and the Yarra Valley on Friday 21 June.

Lilydale was a frosty 8.8 ℃ around lunchtime and temperatures are beginning to drop again.

Friday overnights will see a chilly 1℃ or even less for parts of the region.

It will be cloudy with slight chances of a shower along with light winds over the weekend and Yarra Glen and the rest of the valley will see a chilly drop and potential frost by Sunday 23 June, with a max of 14℃ and a drop to 0℃ forecast for overnight.

Tuesday should bring some reprieve with warmer overnights of around 5℃ and maybe even a shower or two.