$20,000 from Wandin Rotary to the Royal Children’s Hospital

Wandin Rotarians with Georgia from the Royal Children's Hospital (holding cheque, left). Picture: CALLUM LUDWIG

By Callum Ludwig

The Rotary Club of Wandin has handed over its annual contribution to the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Garnered through the fundraising efforts of their Custom Car and Bike Show series, this is the Rotarians eighth year donating to the hospital.

Pat Cullen has been the Chair of the Wandin Rotary Custom Car and Bike Show Committee and said it’s fantastic to be able to make another donation.

“We’re extremely proud that we can do this continually, over the eight years we will have given just short of $130,000 to the Royal Children’s Hospital, plus we support the local community as well with the money,” he said.

“I’ve been involved all eight years and run it for five so I’m out of breath because it takes a lot of effort because it’s not one show, it’s four shows over five months and it takes a fair effort by the Rotarians and everyone involved and the local community but it’s really good.”

Mr Cullen will be succeeded in the role by Brian Hodgson.

Mr Cullen said the shows have a great following of car enthusiasts who bring their pre-1985 cars to display as do a contingent of motorbike owners.

“We have a loyal body of sponsors who donate to the Royal Children’s Hospital through our car

shows and their donations go directly to the Hospital Foundation,” he said.

Mr Cullen has himself had a positive experience with the Royal Children’s Hospital as one of his granddaughters was born with esophageal atresia, a condition that left her esophagus not joined to her stomach and which doctors cut, stretched and joined to resolve when she was only hours old.

The shows are run on the third Wednesday in November, December, February and March at 4pm at the Wandin East Recreation Reserve.

There are a variety of food and coffee vans, the CFA BBQ, live music, the Wandin Rotary Bar and the Inner Wheel Ladies drink stand at each event.

The Committee, consisting of Mr Cullen, Cliff Riseborough, Marc Bartsch, John Hasan, Ray Barrett, Tony Knox, Peter Johnson and Rob Bayliss thanks:

The Seville and Wandin CFA Brigades, Upper Yarra Rotary Club, all our Wandin Rotary members and associated members of the community who assist with running the event

The number of local businesses who supply their services free of charge or at a discounted rate to support the events, notably WM Waste Management and Advance Security.