Three…small acts to help the environment

Three ways to help the environment. Picture: ON FILE

Plant indigenous

To make sure your garden helps local wildlife and plant life grab seeds of plants that are indigenous to your area. This not only ensures they can thrive, but also adds to the biosphere with it’s connectivity to the local environment. Birds will flock to your garden as their natural habitat will grow, while plant life from beyond your property will have less risk from the spread of weeds.

LED Lights

You can change the lights in your house to LED as these can help drop your carbon footprint. They use up to 90 percent less energy than traditional bulbs so they are both sustainable and less costly when your energy bills come around.

Compost leftovers

If you find yourself throwing out a lot of food, then a good way to recycle rather than waste is to start your own at home composting. Perfect for your own garden to thrive from their nutrients you can start with a simple container filled with a mix of scraps, garden trimmings and soil.