A invitation to every man

L-R: Bruce Cooper, Richmond Heath and Pete. Picture: CALLUM LUDWIG

By Callum Ludwig

Yarra Junction is hosting an opportune occasion for men of all persuasions to come together for some meaningful social connection.

Inspired by a Menergy gathering in Strathbogie, a group of men brought the Everyman Gathering to the Yarra Valley, having held a number of events at Camp Eureka.

Event organisers Bruce Cooper, Richmond Heath and Pete are a few of the men who co-created the event and Mr Cooper said it was their way of keeping the Menergy energy going.

“It’s a really simple platform which is easy to implement, the men bring whatever food they feel like bringing and we create meals from the food that’s there and the men who are there can run workshops if they want or any other activities that they want,” he said.

“We’ve got Camp Eureka which is a fantastic setup in that it’s bushy, it is rustic but it has got all the facilities there and that just fits us perfectly.”

The Everyman Gathering in 2024 will be held over the weekend of 17 to 19 May, with hut accommodation (mattresses only) and camping areas available at Camp Eureka. There are also showers, toilets, a kitchen, a dining shelter, fires, crockery, cutlery and cooking facilities available.

Pete said the experience makes people feel safe, which allows for a lot of emotional moments and inward reflection which creates not only inner connection but connection with the other men.

“I think it’s incredibly powerful and important for society as a whole because the more we see how interconnected we are, the more common ground we’ve got to share,” he said.

“For instance, one of the guys once said to me ‘Great weekend thanks and I can see what you’re doing, but it’s not my cup of tea, I won’t be back’ and 12 months later he was sitting in the group telling me his whole year was different,”

“He said ‘I had better connections at home, with my wife and at my work, it was amazing and set up my whole year, even talking to the barista has been better’ and it brought tears to my eyes.”

At the beginning of the event, a ‘confidentiality circle’ is held where it is established that men who attend can be ‘open-hearted’ and share their stories with one another, but won’t share one another’s stories of struggles, successes or anything else.

Mr Cooper said the event gives men the opportunity to take a different view of the world, though it doesn’t have to be a full turnaround.

“A lot of men still hang on to what their fathers did and what their grandfathers did and think that that is the way the world should be, they don’t want to change,” he said.

“One of my awarenesses, because I know I do it myself, is ‘hanging shit’ like when mates hang shit on each other but in these environments that all disappears, you can let go of that jocularity of hanging shit on one another and it just comes down to open honesty with other men, which is scary because in the schoolyard we learn to protect ourselves by being full of bravado,”

“You can let that go, just be open and honest and it’s a revelation, it really makes a difference.”

Previous Everyman gatherings have hosted between 30 to 40 men and have been organised by volunteers from Mens Wellbeing Inc.

Mr Heath said the theme of this year’s event is ‘Authentic together as men’.

“That’s probably what we’re all talking about, is having that space where people can be authentic in their strength and the struggles and to be supported and celebrated together, “ he said.

“It’s also a lot of fun, it’s not all just heart-pouring, there’s joy and activities, frisbee and football, all that sort of stuff and for me, we often don’t get the opportunities to be authentic in our relationships in the world,”

“It’s an opportunity for men who are looking for more depth in their life, whether that’s in their relationships, depth in how connected they feel with themselves, with others or their sense of community, belonging or purpose.”

Anyone interested can visit the Everyman Yarra Valley Facebook page for updates facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068185458061.