Agapanthus weed control

The Agapantha is a declared weed. Picture: SUPPLIED

Off with their heads go the cries across gardening social media in and around Knox and the Yarra Ranges.

It’s time to take out life’s frustrations on the humble but tenacious agapanthus currently overtaking your garden.

Knox City Mayor Councillor Dwight took to Facebook to remind the community with gusto on Friday 9 February that –

“IT’S TIME!! – if you haven’t de-headed your aggies yet (understandable with the heat last weekend), now’s the time!” her post read.

The best removal time is now before seeds form, so get your shears out and get clipping.

The Agapanthus is a declared weed and all-around pest and the non-native clumping plant tends to invade gardens, bushland and roadside areas.

Tolerant of a wide range of conditions from damp to very dry it displaces indigenous grasses and groundcovers.

Another unwelcome side effect is extra large numbers of snails and slugs.

“Agapanthus seed is spread easily into roadsides, waterways and reserves, even your neighbour’s property. And once established it can be a killer job to remove. For those who do manage to remove them, don’t forget to replant with some of our great indigenous alternatives available including various Dianella and Lomandra species, particularly if you want bank stabilisation or a weed buffer along a driveway..

“..So to all those with aggies, Make the most of the light and cool evenings this week and OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! ” read CR Dwight’s post.