Wandin Yallock Primary School preps settled in during first week of school

L-R: Sophie, Hayley, Daphne and Lacey got stuck into their books. Picture: CALLUM LUDWIG

By Callum Ludwig

Wandin Yallock Primary School students returned to their classrooms this week and seamlessly settled back into the school routine.

The preps were showing off their best behaviour too, looking more like seasoned schooling campaigners rather than the new kids on the block.

Foundation Teacher at Wandin Yallock Primary School Libby Davidson asked students to take to the classroom bookshelf and explore whatever interested them on Friday 2 February.

The students needed no further instruction, excitedly filing over to take their pick and sensibly returning to their desks to read or simply look at the pictures and remember to return to that book another time.

Books were shared and fingers pointed at pages as the students showed their new friends what they had discovered.

And when the Star Mail popped in to see how students were adjusting to their new routines, they were more than happy to show off their big, happy smiles for the camera.