Agriculture Victoria is offering farmers an opportunity to participate in a free online business program designed to help farm businesses better manage risk in the face of a variable climate.
The online program, commencing in February on Wednesdays, is suitable for livestock, grain, mixed farmers, horticulturalists and apiarists.
Agriculture Victoria Farm Business Resilience Project Leader Kit Duncan-Jones said participants will improve their skills and knowledge to better prepare for and manage risk, adapt to change and strengthen their farm businesses.
“The course is designed to help farmers set and achieve their individual business goals and is relevant to those who are new to farming and young farmers, as well as more experienced farmers,” he said.
An introductory session will be run in early February, followed by 5 sessions on key farm management topics.
As part of the course participants will be offered a one-on-one session with an experienced farm management consultant to review their business plan.
Mr Duncan-Jones said participants will be supported by Agriculture Victoria staff and team of consultants from Pinion Advisory.
“Online delivery of the course allows farmers from anywhere in the state to participate, from the comfort of their own homes and without the added time commitment of travel,” he said.
“If you’re a farmer who wants to better manage your business, strengthen your farm resilience to withstand future droughts and shocks, and set up your farm for success now and into the future – this is the program for you.”
To register your interest, please complete this short survey at forms.office.com/r/ag5FRMTiV3
For more information, contact Sarah Clack on 0417 316 345 or at sarah.clack@agriculture.vic.gov.au
The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.
Further information can also be found on the Agriculture Victoria at agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-