Three… Christmas meals to make from scratch

Try your hand at your own Christmas treats this year. Picture: ON FILE

Christmas ham

Most people cook their own ham, but why not change it up this year with a different glaze? Instead of the usual honey and mustard combo, why not try marmalade, add in some white wine or Rye whiskey? There is many different ways to variate the ham this year, recipes are just a quick search away.

Plum pudding

Plum pudding can be controversial at Christmas lunch, you either love it or you hate it. One way to settle any confusion is to make a true plum pudding from scratch – no more inauthentic store-bought experiences. The fragrance, the sweetness and boozeiness all come out the best when made fresh. Just remember to get a pudding basin if you have one yet and don’t forget the brandy.


Sweet, creamy and a nice kick of spice, what’s not to love about eggnog? Why not make it fresh, in the time it takes to buy a packaged carton down at the shop you can have it made and ready to go all in the home. Anyone can enjoy as most recipes have alcohol as optional.