By Callum Ludwig
A community event to celebrate the conservation of Victoria’s faunal emblems, the Helmeted Honeyeater and Leadbeater’s Possum, is coming up.
Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater (FOHH) is hosting a Family Fun Day at Yarra Valley ECOSS, with support from other community and government organisations and a grant from the Upper Yarra Community Recovery Committee, on Saturday 18 November.
Environmental Coordinator at FOHH Eliza Lamb said not only will it be a celebration of the faunal emblems and a fundraiser for the group, it’s also a really great way for the local community to come and have some fun with them.
“There’s lots of free activities being offered over the course of the day and it’s a really great way for the local community to find out about what all of the different organisations working with our threatened species are doing,” she said.
“It’s a chance for them to find out how they can get involved in the conservation of threatened species and what they can do at home.”
Among the activities will be an interactive wildlife display from Blacksnake Productions, indigenous education, face painting, music and arts and crafts, including a visit from artist local artist Renate Crow who organisers the Belgrave Lantern Parade and Renewal Fest and Feast events.
Ms Lamb said there are lots of ways for the community to get engaged in conservation management.
“We run education programs and habitat restoration events within the (Yellingbo Nature)conservation area, but we also work with landholders in the surrounding region as well to help them to make improvements on their property, not only for conservation but also for their livelihood, whether it’s agriculture or climate change mitigation,” she said.
“By having a family event, we hope that we have lots of attendees coming and that they might learn about activities and events across the region with the Friends groups or some of the other partner organizations and decide to get involved.”
As well as FOHH and the Friends of the Leadbeater’s Possum groups, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), Parks Victoria, Zoos Victoria, Melbourne Water, Yarra Valley Water, Gardens for Wildlife, Trust for Nature and the Landcare Network will all be attending and helping run the event.
Ms Lamb said young people are really passionate about wildlife in the area.
“For them, by going along to the event with their family, they know they are contributing to the conservation of threatened species, I see it all the time when I’m out with visits to schools, young people are really passionate and they are great communicators about the importance of saving threatened species,” she said.
“For parents as well, this event will be providing information as to how they can take that learning further, which is really important, whether it’s through activities run by us or partner organisations, they can find out ways that they can get involved as a family to make a difference and extend that learning for their children.”
The event will be held from 11am to 3pm with parking available at Wesburn Park. Limited parking will be available at Yarra Valley ECOSS for those with limited mobility.