Woori Kids Fest a great success

L-R: Benji and Aisla hooped their way to the circus play. Picture: CALLUM LUDWIG

By Callum Ludwig

Families flocked to have fun at Kids Fest in Woori Yallock on Thursday 26 October, held from 3pm to 6pm with kids heading over straight after school or kinder.

Held annually by the Woori Community House, this year’s event was jam-packed with a petting zoo, firefighting, circus play and face painting among the favourite activities.

Meryl Knoll from the Woori Community House has been helping host the event since its beginnings and said it’s held to celebrate Children’s Week.

“It’s always held on a Thursday and has been going for 10 years, though obviously during Covid it went virtual and wasn’t quite the same,” she said.

“Open Day has also been another annual event of the Woori Community House and that’s to celebrate the community house and the activities that they do, last year they combined the two events and it worked really well and so this year they’ve done it again.”

In the car park of the Woori Community House were local sporting clubs, schools, scouts and animal rescue groups running market stalls, while the reserve behind the building formed the second hive of activity with the games and activities.

Ms Knoll said it will hopefully encourage kids and families to join a sporting club or group because they can see it’s really helpful to be part of a group.

“It’s a great event for the community to get out and celebrate kids, family and community and it’s grown so much over the years, we used to have it down at the church,” she said.

“I think it works really well here, the little reserve down behind the Community House, it’s such a beautiful space, the little amphitheatre, it’s just perfect for an event and it’s nice to see it used.”

The event was supported by a grant from the Victorian Government’s Children’s Week grants program, which provides up to $1000 for community groups or organisations to host events for children and families.

Melanie Bouck from the Woori Community House said it was a great turnout.

“The sun is shining and the rain has held off, which is great, and it’s good to see so many people here,”

“It’s really good that so many people were interested in coming along for a bit of fun and to support the community.”