Road Safety Number One for School Holidays

Drivers are urged to be mindful on the roads. Picture: UNSPLASH

The government is urging Victorians to stay safe on the roads during the school holidays, wear a seat belt and drive to the conditions.

Twenty-eight people were killed on Victoria’s roads in September last year – the highest number of fatalities recorded for the month in 16 years and the deadliest month for the year.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne said that more Victorians will be making the most out of the school holidays.

“I urge people to drive safely – Simple steps like planning ahead and taking regular rest breaks could be the key to arriving to your destination alive,” she said.

In September 2023, only halfway through the month, there have already been 11 deaths on Victoria’s roads – and school holidays are higher-risk times, with people taking longer drives on unfamiliar roads.

As the weather gets warmer, more motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists are out on the road – many of them families and children.

Last September two-thirds of recorded fatalities were vulnerable road users.

Head of Road Safety Victoria, Marcelo Vidales said road safety is a shared responsibility, so let’s come together as a community this school holidays and beyond to look after each other on our roads and stop the devastation.

“Plan ahead, take breaks, drive to conditions and wear seatbelts,” he said.

If you’re heading out on the roads this school holidays, don’t be complacent -there are steps everyone can take to keep yourself and others safe:

Plan ahead and research your route.

Take your time, drive to the conditions and stick to the posted speed limit.

Wear your seatbelt – and make sure everyone else in the vehicle is wearing theirs as well.

Avoid distractions. Looking at your phone can be deadly.

Never drive tired – take regular breaks if you need them.

Don’t drive impaired.

The TAC is running a social media campaign throughout the spring holiday period, encouraging those travelling to keep road safety front of mind and to plan a pause from the road every two hours.

Transport Accident Commission CEO Tracey Slatter said that the commission is expecting a busy period on the roads as Victorians head out of town for the holidays.

“Drivers are being urged to take the time to plan ahead – ensure you are well rested, leave plenty of time to get to your destination, take regular breaks and have alternative transport plans when drinking alcohol,” she said.

For safe driving tips go to