Community Safety Officers help Max back home

Mac was reunited safely with his owners. Picture: Facebook

Community Safety Officers from Yarra Ranges Council recently helped Max the pony after he was wandering the beautiful surroundings of Gruyere and were only too happy to help locate and safely reunite Max back with his owners following his little adventure.

The Community Safety team respond daily to requests just like this, aiming to reunite animals with their owners as quickly as possible.

When officers are made aware of a loose animal, just like Max, part of the process is for them to assess the circumstances of the animal, checking to see whether it has an updated animal registration, valid contact details of the owners, and assessing any previous recorded history.

Yarra Ranges Council encourages owners to keep animal registration and contact details up to date, to allow their team to more easily reunite owners with their furry pals, should they escape.

In addition to keeping registration and contact details up to date, people can where appropriate use collars that include personal contact details and having a council registration tag on your animal can also help us with the reuniting process.

For more information on pet registration including how to confirm current registration for 2023-2024 is valid, details are up to date or to request a free replacement tag visit: or call 1300 368 333.