Three… autumn plants set to strike

Chestnut trees are one to look out for in autumn. Picture: UNSPLASH

1. Ginkgo Biloba

Also known as ‘Maidenhair’ for it’s unique fan-shaped leaves. The ‘ginkgo’ turns a striking golden-yellow in the colour that would be hard to overlook if you came across this winter. Alongside its pretty appearance, the ginkgo is unique for being one of the oldest species, being on on earth for around 200 million years.

2. Purple Beauty Berry

This shrub in autumn turns a pretty golden colour that contrasts with the deep purple berries it produced in the summer. The question many would ask is if they are edible. The answer is yes, but they’re not that tasty fresh, so it’s recommended to make jam with it instead.

3. Chestnut Tree

The onset of autumn means chestnuts are ready to fall after ripening over spring and summer. The chestnut is large and hard to miss – it has a sweet and soft taste when roasted. Autumn is great time to fetch some chestnuts to roast or incorporate into various meals. Just take care not to prick yourself on the spiked chestnut casing.