Mosquito numbers increasing over summer

Be wary of mosquito bites over summer. Picture: ON FILE

Despite colder conditions at different points this summer, the warm and wet weather periods have meant an increase in mosquito breeding and biting over summer, especially around wetlands.

This means more mosquitoes which can carry diseases that can in turn make residents of the community ill.

The best way to protect against mosquitoes is to try to avoid getting bitten in the first place.

Cover up by wearing long and loose fitting clothing, using mosquito repellents which contain Picaridon or DEET on all exposed skin and reducing your activity outdoors if there are lots of mosquitoes about.

Some other tips include removing stagnant water pools around your home and using sprays, mosquito coils or repellent when you and your family sit, eat or gather outdoors.

With kids and babies, check your insect repellent labels to make sure they are suitable and remember you might need to rub or spray repellent on clothes instead of skin and avoid their hands.

For more tips and advice to stay bite free over summer, you can find more information on the Better Health Victoria Channel online.