Old Warburton Road closed for roadworks

Old Warburton Road is closed for roadworks. Picture: ON FILE

Old Warburton Road in Wesburn is set to be closed for roadworks, to help prepare it for increased traffic in the coming weeks.

It will be closed from Wednesday 23 November until Friday 2 December, weather depending, while it undergoes storm rectification works.

During these works, the road will be closed to all through traffic from 7.30am-4pm on weekdays, with traffic being required to detour via Warburton Highway.

Outside of these times, one lane will be open with temporary traffic lights in place.

The works will ensure that Old Warburton Road will be restored to feature two lanes of traffic, to prepare for more traffic along the road when Department of Transport closes down Warburton Highway to complete landslip repairs within the next month, following the recent rain event.

Once the Warburton Highway reopens, further land stabilisation works will then be undertaken on Old Warburton Road.

The works are taking place in this order to ensure that both roads are functional but also to avoid them being closed at the same time.

Variable Messaging Signage (WMS) has been in place along Old Warburton Road since Saturday advising of the closure.