If your schedule is looking tight for Election Day, you want to skip the lines or simply want to get it out of the way, there are several options for early voting before Saturday 26 November.
Early voting opens Monday 14 November and ends Friday 25 November, with no reason required to vote early.
In Eildon, there will be an early voting centre at 10 Centella Place, Launching Place (near Launch Hardware) from 8.30am to 6pm on most days, aside from the following:
9am to 6pm on Monday 14 November.
8.30am to 8pm on Tuesday 15, Thursday 17 and Thursday 24 November.
9am to 5pm on Saturday 19 November.
It has wheelchair access with assistance, as ramp access to the building entrance and access from the carpark or street to the building entrance may restrict independent wheelchair access.
In the Evelyn electorate, there are two options for early voting in Lilydale and Montrose.
They are open from 8.30am to 6pm on most days, aside from the following:
9am to 6pm on Monday 14 November.
8.30am to 8pm on Tuesday 15, Thursday 17 and Thursday 24 November.
9am to 5pm on Saturday 19 November.
The Lilydale EVC is at 24 Main Street, (access via Cave Hill Road) Lilydale and the Montrose EVC is located at the 1st Montrose Scout Hall, Unit 2/950 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road Montrose
The Lilydale EVS has wheelchair access with assistance, as ramp access to the building entrance may restrict independent wheelchair access while the Montrose EVC has limited or no wheelchair access.
While Launching Place may be closer for those in Seville or Seville East and residents of the above electorates are permitted to vote in different electorates, they are advised that it may take longer than normal.