Yarra Ranges bundled branches collections return

Yarra Ranges Council is preparing for green waste collection time. PICTURE: ON FILE

Community members will have the chance to dispose of woody green waste ahead of the fire season for Yarra Ranges Council’s bi-annual Bundled Branches collection beginning soon.

The collection, which runs from 21 November to 9 December, invites all households to put out bundles of branches for collection.

Yarra Ranges Mayor Councillor Jim Child said the collection was an opportunity to start clearing land ahead of the warmer weather.

“The fire season, and the hot weather that comes with it, can begin very quickly,” Cr Child said.

“It’s extremely important to have your property ready for fire season – with minimal green waste, branches and woody material that could fuel a fire if one broke out.”

The Bundled Branches collection is timed before the usual start of the fire danger period, giving Yarra Ranges residents the chance to dispose of large amounts of branches and woody waste – far more than you can fit into a green bin, Cr Child said.

“There will be another chance to get rid of branches in the annual hard waste collection, which runs from January-March, but I’d encourage everyone to make the most of both these opportunities, and to start clearing their property before the fire season hits,” he said.

“Check your collection week at yarraranges.vic.gov.au/myneighbourhood to check your date, and what you can put out for collection.”

Each household can place out up to three cubic metres of bundled branches, provided:

Their pile has no more than 20 bundles of branches

Each individual bundle, tree limb or log is no longer than 1.5 metres, no wider than 200 millimetres.

Each tree limb should be between 75-200 millimetres.

Logs should be straight and clean with side branches removed

Branches must be tied with non-plastic string.

Stumps, timber, roots, hard waste, bamboo, creepers, soft plants and grass clippings will not be collected.

Any excess green waste – including weeds, plants, grass clippings and leaves – should be disposed of in green waste bins if possible, or taken to a local waste transfer station for a fee.

Visit yarraranges.vic.gov.au/bundledbranches for more information.