Police alleviate concerns about horse death


Police have been alerted to reports of a drowned horse in the Yarra River in Yarra Glen however, officers have confirmed the animal subsequently died from old age several days ago before flooding.

Social media reports emerged on Tuesday 23 August, with residents concerned after seeing a floating horse on the river flats near the Yarra Glen Railway Station.

Police responded to the reports and conducted a welfare check on the animals.

“The horse in question died of old age several days ago and was due to be buried by the owner however flood waters have floated the body out into the dam,” a spokesperson wrote on Yarra Ranges Eyewatch.

“Recovery efforts will be undertaken when the water subsides and the horse will be buried.”

Other horses still remain on the property and are safe out of the water with at least five feet of elevation left.

Despite this, police said the owner will be moving them due to the social media interest generated.

There is no need for further concern in relation to the animal welfare issues.