Yarra Ranges takes charge on climate change

By Romy Stephens

Yarra Ranges Council could soon become a renewable energy retailer, as it continues to search for new ways to reach net zero carbon emissions.

The council was part of a team that proposed the idea of a council-owned energy retailer at a Cities Power Partnership council hackathon event earlier this year.

The event was designed to get councils thinking about innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

It saw teams propose ideas that could help take their communities to net zero emissions.

Yarra Ranges joined forces with the City of Yarra and Wyndham City Council and their idea was voted the ‘judges choice solution’.

Yarra Ranges Council sustainability officer Julian Guess said the proposal was still in the “ideas stage” but had the potential to bring huge benefits to the local community.

“At the moment many of our electricity retailers generate profits and they’re sent outside of the municipality,” he said.

“It’s keeping the income and profits much more local and if Council owned or part-owned a retailer, then those profits could be reused within the community.

“The idea is that it’s a profit-making entity… As well as being able to transition communities to net zero emissions.”

Mr Guess said the proposal could also allow for Yarra Ranges Council to become an energy provider, particularly through proposed solar farms on old closed landfill sites in the region.

The idea is that it would help create an easier path for businesses and residents to adopt renewable energy, particularly those that might be renting their premises or don’t have viable access to renewables.

Mr Guess said no money or resources have been committed to the idea yet, but discussions are in full swing.

“The small group of councils that are currently discussing this will be firming up this proposal in the coming months,” he said.

“If it looks good we will take it back to our individual councils.

“It’s quite an exciting discussion to have and it could transform the electricity industry.”

The Cities Power Partnership is Australia’s largest local government climate network, made up of 125 councils from across the country, representing over half the population.Yarra Ranges Council has been part of the coalition since 2018.