Look Good’s looking great

Faye Venning from Look Good Feel Better with patient Lisa Heagney.

Look Good Feel Better is celebrating 10 years of service at Yarra Ranges Health in Lilydale.

The Cancer Patients Foundation-run, free national community service program is dedicated to teaching cancer patients how to manage the appearance-related cancer treatment side-effects.

The group workshops go through skincare techniques to address common side-effects like dryness and sun sensitivity; make-up tips to help correct and conceal redness, sallowness, pigmentation and dark circles as well as techniques for drawing on eyebrows; and advice on headwear including scarf styling and wig selection.

Each participant receives a Confidence Kit full of donated skincare and make-up products from the cosmetic industry to use as tools for application throughout the workshop and for continued use in their own homes.

Jo Mapes, the Yarra Ranges Health nursing director at Healesville Hospital and Yarra Valley Health, said the program was a highlight for the patients who attended.

“Eastern Health is thrilled to host the Look Good Feel Better program and we would like to congratulate everyone at Yarra Ranges Health for their involvement over the last 10 years,” she said.

“This program has brought much joy to many of our patients, giving them an opportunity to feel their best and share the experience with others in a similar situation.

“It has brought many smiles to the faces of those going through a very challenging time, and we would like to thank the Cancer Patients Foundation for their work with us over the last decade.”

The Cancer Patients Foundation’s Victoria and Tasmania program manager, Faye Venning, attended Yarra Ranges Health on Wednesday 10 July to make a presentation to celebrate 10 years of service.

Look Good Feel Better holds about 1000 workshops in 180 venues across Australia each year.

To date, more than 130,000 people have participated in the program.

The program relies solely on community generosity and corporate support for funding and equipment.

Visit lgfb.org.au or call 1800 650 960 to register for a workshop or support the program.