By Jed Lanyon
Labor candidate for Casey Bill Brindle has pledged $3.5 million towards opening a headspace centre in Lilydale.
“Labor is proud to announce we will match the funding allocated to mental health in the budget and invest an additional $35 million into headspace,” Mr Brindle said.
Mr Brindle made the announcement alongside Shadow Minister for Ageing and Mental Health Julie Collins at Lilydale Lakeside Campus on Wednesday 1 May.
Mr Brindle said that early intervention services were desperately needed in the area.
“When a young person is experiencing mental ill health and they are attempting to seek assistance, there should be help for them,” he said.
“Mental health is such an important issue in our community, especially to young people.
“It is an issue that is close to my own heart, as close family members have experienced mental ill health,” Mr Brindle said.
“Having access to mental health services helps young people create a good foundation in their life and assists them in obtaining an education or vocational training.”
This announcement would further boost recent funding for a headspace service in Lilydale by Liberal Member for Casey Tony Smith.
In March, Mr Smith announced funding to establish an integrated Youth Health Hub, which will include a headspace service through the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network.
“A youth hub based in Lilydale, with a focus on providing services throughout our region, has been funded with $4.5 million over the next three years,” Mr Smith said.
“A headspace service will be based at the hub, also funded by the federal government.
“This comprehensive approach means the hub will be established quickly and focused on delivering critical and much needed services to young people and their families.
“Critically, it allows for greater collaboration and co-ordination between service providers,” Mr Smith said.