By Michael Doran
With Coldstream Airport a few paddocks away and a runway on an adjoining farm, Dick Gower is close to his heaven. His passion for all things aviation has been honoured with a Member of the Order of Australia ‘for significant service to recreational and historical aviation.’
He said his love of aviation started when he was a boy living in Townsville and had a ride in a vintage Gypsy Moth. “I thought this is fantastic, how can I do more?”
“I moved to Melbourne and studied engineering, did flying lessons and got an instructors rating. We were living in East Ringwood and had been looking for a place in the Yarra Valley for years,” he said.
And then two dreams collided. He heard that the flying school at Coldstream needed an instructor and he and wife Liz, found the perfect 10 acre block in Gruyere. “We built out here in the mid-1970s and have lived happily ever after.”
He has been a member of the Royal Victorian Aero Club for more than 40 years, being made a life member of the club in 2012 and was a Director between 1990-2011.
“I spent most of my formative years around aero clubs and the best thing has been the people I have met along the way. I got involved on committees because I thought I could make a positive difference.
“I’ve been a member of the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia for close to 30 years. We were having the annual meeting and I went to the toilet and when I came back in they had elected me the President.”
Other committees he served on are the Australian Federation of Air Pilots, the Regional Airspace Advisory Committee, the Royal Federation of Aero Clubs Australia, the Coldstream Flyers Club and the Honourable Company of Air Pilots.
“When I was nine mum’s clock broke so she gave it to me to play with. I wanted to see how it worked and got it going again, then she said ok I’ll have it back now.”
That started a love affair with all sorts of clocks and watches which involved serving on the committee of the Watchmakers Guild Victoria.
Asked about his lengthy service to these organisations he said he got a lot more out of it than he ever put in.
“Probably a lot of other people could be getting this award ahead of me. Aviation has given me a lot of satisfaction, met some fantastic people and had way too much fun along the way.”