By Michael Doran
Lilydale Library hosted the launch of Tales from Yering Primary School, the second in a series of books published by the school.
The launch, on Friday 23 November, featured some of the student authors reading their chapters, plus teacher Nick Westerman revealing his 27 year long fear of goats.
The school did a similar project two years ago and it was such a success they decided to do another edition.
“The kids had so much fun last time so we thought it would be great to get them writing again,” he said. “Last time we did it for years three to six but this year it was a whole school project.
“Every student’s story is in the book, most of them for the first time and a couple for the second time. It’s great to see how their writing has evolved over the last two years.
“When they see their work in a book and published in a real world way you can see how they get passionate about writing and books because its for a purpose, not just school work.”
The book was put together with the help of writer and author Andrew Tesoriero from Launch Pad. “The aim is to create enthusiasm and confidence around books, particularly for students who say I don’t read books,” he said.
“They feel like they are a bit outside that world, that they are not very good at books and so they shy away from them.”
“The way this works is we make sure the process of making the book is fun, there is never pressure, there is never any criticism and the enthusiasm builds confidence that they can do it.
“Once they get past the barrier that ‘I’m not a book person’ then books can become part of their lives and they will read, it drops that barrier to the world of books and literacy.
“For the kids who like writing its a way to showcase their skills and get the creative juices flowing.”
Launch Pad have worked on projects publishing 30 books from 24 schools across Victoria in its four years. Details on the project can be found at www.launchpad.vic.edu.au