Casey candidates outline concerns

Steve Meacher – The Greens I have lived in the area since 1993, when I came to Kilsyth. I moved to Launching Place in 1995 and now live in Toolangi. I first ran for the Greens in McEwen in 2007, motivated by my concern at the Howard Government’s lack of effective action on climate. I ran again in 2010. The Yarra Ranges area is no longer in McEwen so now I am running in Casey. When I was named Murrindindi Citizen of the Year, one of the reasons cited was that I often help with washing up at community functions! There is dramatic evidence that global warming is already affecting the environment in Casey, which I find is a big issue. Climate change did not cause the Black Saturday fires but the ferocity of them was undoubtedly increased by the unprecedented weather. Many don’t realise that the 2009 heatwave killed twice as many people as the fires. But warming is also affecting our biodiversity, economy and agriculture, including grapes and stone fruit. When I commit to something I take it seriously. I work hard and do my best – and I am persistent. Some love me for it – opponents take a different view. But no-one seriously questions my genuine commitment.
Casey candidates outline concerns
IN the lead-up to this year’s Federal Election, the Mail asked the candidates for the Casey electorate to answer four […]