Food Fight for Foodbank at Wesburn Primary School

Sliming the Principal Ms Stenhouse. Picture: SUPPLIED

Foodbank Victoria has been providing food relief to vulnerable Victorians for over 90 years and in a business where “every dollar donated – is two meals created!” what better way to assist those in need – than a food fight! 

Sounds ironic, however, as the students from Wesburn Primary School discovered on Friday 3 May ‘the messiest, funnest way to help raise funds to feed those in need’ is in fact, a Foodbank Food Fight. Rest assured, no real food was harmed in the making of this event, jelly substitute and jelly blasters were supplied for what proceeded to be the most fun Friday of the school year!

An ambitious fundraising target of $5000 was set and students called upon friends and family to pitch in. It became apparent, that there is no faster way to reach your fundraising target, than to make sure the goal is worth obtaining. Consequently, for every $700 raised, a teacher would be slimed! If the donation goal was reached, Principal Mrs Stenhouse, would become the prime slime target. Students were eligible for both online prizes and school-based rewards, with the highest fundraising class treated to a VIP tent for the afternoon.

Wesburn Primary School was honoured to assist with this cause, given the enormous support Foodbank Victoria continues to provide their school, including countless food donations for the student breakfast program and food made available to families.

With the generous support of the wider school community, Wesburn Primary School students proudly raised a phenomenal $7,262 which well and truly ensured their Principal was slimed, simultaneously helping Foodbank Victoria continue to feed 57,000 people in need every day!