By Anita Prowse
Wow, what a weekend of extremes, fire on Saturday, flash flooding on Sunday.
Weather caused some cancellations due to the heat rule on Saturday, Shirley Heights Express Eventing was postponed until 31 May.
Sunday Working Equitation Yarra Valley held their Three Phase Equitation at Shirley Heights Equestrian Centre.
The winners were:
Level 5 Sheryl Thompson on Pekarra Chic Chic Ben from Macclesfield ARC.
Level 4 Liza Grage perry on Mayfield Ragnar from Acheron Valley ARC.
Level 3 Sarah Tipping on Sandria D from Western Port Equestrian Association Inc.
Level 2 Lauren Kaniky on Binka Park Mushka from Yea and District Riding Club.
Next Sunday, Yarra Glen ARC are running their Combined Training Day, also at Shirley Heights EC, Gladysdale, also the venue for NMZ Horse Trials the following weekend.