Hay bales cause Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road collision

Healesville and Badger Creek CFA units responded to the incident. (File: 141637)

Healesville and Badger Creek CFA units responded to a car crash on Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road on Thursday 6 March at 9.12am.

No one was hurt and no emergency treatment was needed.

“Crews discovered a couple of hay bales had fallen off a track and impacted a car,” a CFA spokesperson said.

“The occupant was safely out of the vehicle and in Ambulance Victoria’s care and Victoria Police were called for traffic control.”

The situation was deemed safe at 9.57am.

An Ambulance Victoria spokesperson said paramedics were called to reports of a collision in Healesville at around 9.10am.

“No emergency treatment or transport was provided.”