ERG’s ‘asks’ for the East: Supporting Melbourne’s East in the lead up to the Federal Election

One of ERG's priorities is support for housing growth in all five council areas. (File: 293970)

The Eastern Region Group of Councils’ (ERG) purpose is to provide a united voice for communities in Melbourne’s east.

With an election likely to be called any day, the ERG has identified priorities for the region that require ongoing collaboration and Federal Government investment to ensure the region not only grows sustainably but thrives.

ERG Chair, Cr Deirdre Diamante, said the group has identified a range of projects that recognise the challenges facing the region that will be exacerbated by rapid growth.

“Housing affordability, liveability, access to open space and community infrastructure, addressing climate concerns such as flooding, improving public and active transport and growing the local economy are central to a liveable and prosperous region,” Cr Diamante said.

“The five ERG councils are Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges. We work together on common challenges for the region. We advocate, plan and cooperate for the benefit of our communities.

“With a population of 750,000, around 14 per cent of metropolitan Melbourne, it is imperative that the Federal Government continue to invest in longer-term planning, infrastructure and services to keep the region thriving.”

The ERG’s priorities for Federal Government action include:

Address financial sustainability

The ERG supports the Australian Local Government Association’s call to increase the Financial Assistance Grants to councils to at least one per cent of tax revenue.

Support housing growth

With the release of State Government housing targets, the east is expected to accommodate a 78 per cent increase in houses by 2050. Councils require dedicated community infrastructure funding to be able to continue to meet critical community needs.

Regional strategies, such as for open space are essential to guide investment. Communities are also crying out for safer public spaces and the ERG with work with crime prevention partners to achieve this.

Build climate resilience

Improved cooperation across all levels of government is needed to respond to climate challenges. Improving flood infrastructure in known areas of risk is a regional priority, along with addressing the decline in canopy tree cover and furthering the work done by the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action to enable community assets to adapt.

Transform movement in the east

To maintain liveable and prosperous neighbourhoods, public and active transport and road infrastructure must improve. The region requires coordinated and collaborative effort to build on the work of the ERG’s Plan East and the shared priorities of the Eastern Transport Coalition and Eastern Regional Trail Strategy Group. With Federal assistance, the ERG will prepare an Integrated Transport Plan to support an efficient, safe and integrated regional transport network and identify priorities for investment. This work will recognise the kilometres of unsealed roads that make the last mile connections to producers difficult and impede regional economic productivity.

The ERG will publish feedback from local candidates on their support of these priorities on the ERG website. See the ERG’s priorities for Federal Government action at: