Wandin North student Jake gives $1016 to Wandin Rotary

Jake handing over the cheque to Rotary Club of Wandin President-elect Peter Johnson. (Supplied)

Wandin North Primary School student Jake who made 3D-printed dragons and dragon eggs to sell has handed over his $1016 cheque to the Rotary Club of Wandin.

Jake came to his principal Paul Bailey with the idea before working with his parents to plan how he was going to run the fundraiser.

Jake had previously had experience with 3D printers in making octopuses while he also learnt more about them and was able to use his cousin Tom’s printers before he had access to one of his own.

In September, Jake told the Star Mail said he was pretty happy to see everyone who bought something really happy with their new toys.

“I think if I could do this again next year, maybe I would print mythical monsters,” he said.

“I felt pretty grateful that I gave the money to them [Wandin Rotary] but now I feel more grateful that they’re helping another school overseas to get a well.”

Jake has organised with the Rotary Club of Wandin and they’ve decided to put the money towards the installation of a well in Cambodia to provide fresh water to a remote village, and his money is also going to support meals for the needy by providing frozen meals for ADRA to hand out at Wandin Senior Citizens one Friday morning and also support Wandin Baptist Church in their program to provide food and shelter for the homeless through Stable One’s Winter Shelter network.

Jake handed the cheque to the new President-elect of the Rotary Club of Wandin Peter Johnson at a recent rotary meeting.

“It just strengthens the connection between the local community and the local primary schools, we’re very focused on our school communities and this just makes it an even stronger connection because it’s been a bit reciprocal in helping us to help the community,” Mr Johnson said to the Star Mail in September.