Three… ways to support vets on Anzac Day

Three ways to show support for Anzac Day. Picture: ON FILE

Buy poppies

Your local RSL is volunteer-run and relies on public support to provide their service to veterans and your local community. One way a local branch to raise funds is to sell poppies at both Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. At your local service buy a couple, a quick exchange that goes a long way.

Attend a local Dawn Service

Dawn Services are held across the country and the majority are organised by local RSLs. Simply attending a service can make your local veteran know that their community remembers them and their services. You can look them up through you local RSL branch.

Donate to Anzac Appeal

The Anzac Appeal is run by the RSL to provide support to a range of services for veterans from counseling to financial support. You can donate directly with any price you wish at