Vegetation works to soon start to support the Yarra River

Melbourne water staff will be consulting with Upper Yarra residents affected by vegetation works. Picture: ON FILE

Melbourne Water is contacting landholders adjoining an 8km stretch of the Yarra River between Station Road, Wesburn and Don Road, Launching Place this month before starting works to improve vegetation on the Yarra River.

They are aiming to improve the health of the Yarra River from Dee River, Millgrove to Melba Highway, Yarra Glen by removing weeds and replacing them with native vegetation.

Melbourne Water will be assessing the current vegetation in order to plan weed control and native revegetation projects that improve the health of the waterway – through better water quality and habitat for wildlife such as platypus, blackfish and helmeted honeyeaters, which can also increase the value of surrounding properties.

Specifically, willow trees will be targeted in the works as they can cause bank erosion by trapping sediment and diverting flows into river banks, and their heavy shading makes it difficult for any other vegetation to grow.

Local residents may notice Melbourne Water staff and contractors walking along waterways to assess vegetation and plan improvements over the coming months.

In some areas, they’ll need to access the waterway through private property and if this is the case, they’ll be in touch early to seek resident approval and discuss access requirements.