Drugs new high

By Tania Martin
DRUG crimes in the Yarra Ranges have spiked by more than 25 per cent in the past 12 months.
But police District Inspector Andrew Humberstone said this was the result of more arrests and raids in the area.
This follows the release of crime statistics last month that revealed crimes against the person were down 1.4 per cent and robberies 29.4 per cent.
However, burglaries have been on the rise by more 19.2 per cent.
Mr Humberstone said the spike in burglaries had been on sheds and other structures.
He said the majority had occurred on rural properties and in most cases were caused by the offenders gaining access through unlocked buildings.
“If you have sheds and large garage structures please ensure locks are fitted to prevent opportunistic offenders who would otherwise leave the premise alone,” Mr Humberstone said.
However, in the neighbouring Shire of Cardinia it was a different report card.
Drug offences fell by 40.9 per cent and burglaries dropped 25.3 per cent.
Cardinia’s District Inspector Hayden Downes said police were continuing to target road trauma and crimes, including assaults, commercial burglaries and property damage.
Cardinia police will also continue to target road trauma and crimes, including assaults, commercial burglaries, property damage, theft of and from motor cars and anti-social behaviour.
He said operations such as ‘eagles’ and ‘bucket’ in conjunction with the Cardinia Traffic Management Unit (TMU) and the region’s police stations would continue to focus on drink driving, speeding and hoon driving.
“Road users can expect to be intercepted and breath tested any time and anywhere,” Mr Downes said.