By Michael Doran
Wandin Public Hall opened in 1952 and was reserved every Saturday for dancing. While there was no dancing on this Australia Day, within the hall there was an overwhelming sense of the community spirit and love of country that binds the Yarra Valley together.
The Rotary Club of Wandin hosted its annual Australia Day Breakfast and in between juggling their other official commitments, Member for Casey Tony Smith, Member for Evelyn Bridget Vallence and Yarra Ranges Mayor Tony Stevenson attended.
Bridget Vallence paid tribute to the great charity work done by Wandin Rotary. “This is the greatest day in the greatest country and aspiration and a deep sense of community is what binds us together here in Wandin,” she said.
Tony Smith led the recital of the Australian Citizenship Affirmation. “This is a day about the aspirations for the future of our community and in 365 ceremonies today more than 16,500 people will become Australian citizens,” he said.
The guest speaker was a distinguished member of the legal profession, the Honourable Richard Tracey. Mr Tracey has been a Judge of the Federal Court, Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force, a Queen’s Counsel and a Major-General in the Australian Army.
He spoke of the spirit of service that volunteer organisations like Wandin Rotary exemplify and how having the ceremony in a hall built by the community was fitting on Australia Day. “What we share today is only possible because people get together and help each other when needed. We have a great democratic system and I’m very proud to be an Australian on this wonderful day.”