For love of the donkey

Linda Jay, in costume with "Mouse", is inviting people around the valley and beyond to come to this Saturday's Donkey Festival.


EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about donkeys, including just how much fun they can be, will be the focus of a festival at Wesburn this Sunday.
Linda Jay, representative for the Donkey Society of Victoria in Yarra Ranges, is organising the festival at Wesburn Park, which will run from 9am on Sunday 18 January.
Linda breeds miniature donkeys on her East Warburton property and has a rescue donkey.
She says people will be surprised to discover what an amazing animal the donkey is.
“I take my donkeys down the street for walks and while there’s an increasing interest in donkeys, it’s amazing how often people will say they have never seen one before,” Linda said.
Donkeys make great pets, are great to ride – particularly good for children learning to ride, and can be taught to pull a cart.
Activities at the festival begin at 9.30am, and include show classes, events including an obstacle course, a fancy dress competition for donkeys and their owners and presentations from equine health experts.
Market stalls, food and coffee vendors will supplement the activities, which also include donkey rides and face painting for children and live music over lunch.
Linda said that unlike horses who will run when they are frightened, or zebras whose reaction is to fight, donkeys adapt a more laid-back and intelligent approach.
“Donkey instinct is to stop, have a look at the situation and make a decision on what to do,” she said.
“Because they don’t have that flight instinct, if someone comes past you on a motorbike for instance, they will just take a step sideways and have a look, making them a much safer ride.”
This steadiness, and willingness to serve, goes on display every year when one of her donkeys, Banjo, takes part in the Anzac march at Yarra Junction.
“They enjoy being useful, enjoy getting out and about and like the attention they get,” she said, adding that a pet a donkey is a bit like a big Labrador – responsive, warm and affectionate.
The festival is aimed at the wider community with funds raised going towards the welfare of donkeys along with Upper Yarra SES.
Entry is $5 for adults, $2 per child or $10 for families, and dogs are not allowed on-site.
Anyone who would like help with organisation, offer an activity or volunteer on the day, can contact Linda on 0409 664 074 or by emailing