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Upper Yarra basketball scoreboard

SENIORS Men: Woori Warriors 65 (M. Devisser 22) d Wessy Rats 31 (M. Corrie 12); Wessy Polarbears 43 (T. VanHorik 11) d Sub Zero 41...

Kids punch on after siren

By Kath GannawayWESBURN Junior Football Club has been put on a $5000 good behaviour bond and two Under 15 players have accepted a week’s...

Mid-game costs Monbulk

Mt Evelyn’s Ben Farrugia breaks away from three Healesville opponents. Picture: Chris CooperBy Stephen WalterMONBULK started well and finished well, but it was Woori...

Basketball results

Under 16: Orange 49 d Grey 41, Black 41 d Yellow 39, Blue 29 d Purple 24. Under 12: Yellow 32 d Red 20, Green...

Finals bring out the best

By Erin Morrison Division One @BT Sport Sub Mail:ELIMINATION FINAL FINALS kicked off this week for Division one, with a fantastic game between Woori Yallock and Warburton...

Blake hits the mark

By Tania MartinBLAKE Walter may be Olinda-Ferny Creek Football Club’s answer to Brendan Fevola. The 17-year-old Monbulk forward is well on his way to kicking...

HEAR call for church change

By Kath GannawayHEALESVILLE Education and Awareness Raising (HEAR) has renewed calls made by the group two years ago for reform of the Catholic Church’s...

Goal haul falls short

By Stephen WalterA NINE-GOAL haul from Warburton’s Scott Muir was a highlight of the Burra’s Division 1 MVDFL round 18 clash with Mount Evelyn,...

Archers shoot for state gold

YARRA Valley archers have brought home six medals from Archery Victoria’s 2009 State Indoor Championships recently. The event, held in Morwell over Saturday 25 and...

On the way to USA

By Tania MartinROSIE Moult is set to take America by storm as she takes up a long-awaited basketball scholarship in California. The Olinda 19-year-old has...

Foes or heroes- River campaigner Steve Posselt at Yarra Glen. 35028

By Kath GannawayTHE successful move by the State Opposition and the Greens to block a regulation which would see water from the state’s north...


Chasing down the black dog one ride at a time

A major motorcycle ride heading off from Lilydale and travelling to Seymour, all in support of mental health awareness and suicide prevention, is just...