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Saving our oldest building

Once divine, now dilapidated: Healesville’s oldest building.By Kath GannawayNEGOTIATIONS between the Shire of Yarra Ranges and VicTrack could be the key to providing a...

Cobras sign ‘ideal player’ from US

Quincy Henderson of Winona State University will step on to the court for Kilsyth Cobras this year.By Ben TurnerKILSYTH Cobras have pulled off a...

Shock closure of childcare

Samantha Kloet has her hands full as a full-time working mother. Her job got even tougher when she was told in December that her...

Higher learning

Angus Boyle (front) with Healesville High School principal George Perini, (back row, from left) Sergeant Tony Van Gorp, Gornroamin business owner Karen Picone and...

Crowds swing to music festival

Teresa Castley and Ray Chaber from The Wild Violets performing at the Moonlight Mountains Festival.By Monique EbringtonWARBURTON’S Moonlight Mountains Festival struck a chord with...

Sun brightens the way

By Kath GannawayHOLIDAY fever hit Warburton on the weekend with the first burst of real summer weather. While holiday-makers at the local caravan park took...

Lucky escape

By Monique EbringtonTWO Yarra Junction men escaped the holiday road toll when the car in which they were travelling crashed on the Healesville-Yarra Glen...

Holiday road risk

By Monique EbringtonINCREASED traffic conditions and a string of crashes in the Yarra Ranges has police urging motorists to take care on the roads...

Mark the big day in style

By Kath GannawayAUSTRALIA Day deserves to be celebrated in style and Badger Creek’s Platypus Restaurant has the perfect combination of Aussie music, food and...

Shire ahead on cash crisis

AS GOVERNMENTS throughout the world work hard to stave off the effects of the global financial crisis, the Shire of Yarra Ranges is also...

River, mountains and care

By Kath GannawayThe centre’s position in Warburton means residents can walk to the shops, cafes and other local attractions such as films and live...

Musos to keep on grinding

By Kath GannawayIT SAYS something about the support Healesville’s Grind & Groove cafe and bar has shown for the local music industry, that 14...


Mountain bike rider rescued from unofficial tracks in Wesburn

Upper Yarra SES helped Ambulance Victoria retrieve a patient from Wesburn on 8 March. The patient crashed while mountain biking on track off Hey Hey...